Economical, sustainable and socially responsible
About us
Snežnik d.o.o. is located in the very heart of lush Kočevje forests, on the plateau stretching above the green valley of the river Kolpa.
As the manufacturer of timber assortments for the building industry and products intended for industrial processing, we represent an important link in the timber processing chain.
Together with our owner, the state-owned enterprise SiGD, we raise the value of processed timber and provide wood treatment and processing services.
Our traits:

Company values:
Reliable, capable and quality-oriented partner.
With digitalised and automated processes and modern technology as well as professional qualification of employees we guarantee constant deliverability of high-quality wood products for construction and industry applications.The source of our raw material are extensive forest areas, which are also part of NATURA 2000 protected areas.
In forest management, our owner, Slovenski državni gozdovi (Slovenian State Forests), observes the highest standards of sustainable multi-purpose and nature-friendly management, which are part of the fundamental values and mission of the whole group. We pursue the principles of environmental protection and sustainable and optimum company business.
Quality wood of Slovenian forests, treated and processed for the purposes of construction and industry sectors.